Anglican Diocese of Ballarat

Proclaiming the Gospel to the people of southern and western Victoria for over 150 years. Spend some time exploring with us some of the great things God is doing in this part of His vineyard.

WE BELIEVE – 1700 years of the Nicene Creed


This year is the 1700th anniversary of the Nicene Creed. We encourage you to mark this year by devoting some time to focussing on the creed, both personally and as a congregation.

Christmas Services 2024


The Anglican Church invites you to Celebrate Christmas in one of our local Churches. (Services are printed where supplied)

Advent Reflections 2024


This Advent the Ministry Development Committee has prepared some reflections on four themes for Advent – God’s Promise, Prophets, John the Baptist and Mary, together with some craft activities and music.

Safe Church

We affirm that all people have the right to be emotionally and physically safe, respected and have their views and opinions valued at all times.

For people who have experienced insttutional child sexual abuse

Ministry Opportunities

Explore some of the parishes across our Diocese currently seeking new clergy.