Residents’ Day

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Anglicare Victoria has run a Residents’ Day at Port Fairy and at Apollo Bay in conjunction with the local Anglican Parishes. Both towns felt that they suffered from being inundated by tourists during most of the year.  Each Day was attended by over 300 people and resulted in new members for many clubs, new leaders for some clubs and much networking between clubs in a manner never achieved before. The days turned out to be surprisingly successful and enjoyable for the groups involved. These events helped to strengthen the local community by helping locals to be more informed about their recreational options.


Hold an event which promotes the range of clubs and organizations available to new and disconnected local residents.


To provide an opportunity for clubs to promote themselves.

To provide an opportunity for new residents to join clubs

To provide an opportunity for lonely and elderly residents to make new social and special interest, connections.

To hold an activity which only aims at local residents and builds community connectedness.

To provide an opportunity for clubs to recruit new leaders and network with each other.


On an afternoon / evening in ?

A range of groups could put on displays of their club activities, and outline the range of activities and interests available to the community.

A community groups could put on a display and provide food from a particular culture other than Australia.

Council could have officers and Councillors available to chat to the community.

Likely Date

Week day or week end.

When would more locals come?




Public liability?

Street Closure?

Clean Up?

Are community grants available?


Public Liability


Program balance

Community ownership

Time to organize the event- Feb is getting very close


Task Who Deadline Achieved
Agree on concept PC and AV Week 12
Identify possible groups to be invited PC and AV Week 4
Identify possible organizing partners PC and AV Week 8
Identify media PC Week 10
Write media plan AV Week 8
Check public liability cover. AV Week 10
Determine date and tentatively book venue PC Week 10
Budget AV Week 10
Volunteers PC Week8
Determine and appoint Volunteer roles AV and PC
Review viability of project PC and AV Week 8
Send out invitations PC Week 7
Start marketing plan AV Week 4
Arrange equipment if requires PC Week 6
Hold event PC Week 0
Evaluate PC and AV Week 1+
Meetings PC and AV Weeks 12, 8,4, 2 from event

Have questions? Want help?

Please contact:

The Ministry Development Committee

Chair: The Rev’d Robyn Shackell

0419 365 824

Professional Standards 

1800 377 842 [1800 DPS VIC].

A Director of Professional Standards has been appointed to respond to all complaints of abuse by clergy and Church workers.

Episcopal Standards 

1800 997 747.

Episcopal Standards complaints may be made against the Bishop of a Diocese. This is different to a Professional Standards complaint.